JKSAS Journal of the Korean Society for
Aeronautical and Space Sciences

> Journal Policies > Instruction for Authors

Instruction for Authors

Guidelines to Authors for Manuscript Submission

Manuscript for the Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences shall be prepared in accordance with these guidelines for manuscript submission.
  1. All authors submitting papers for publication to the Journal of KSAS should be the member of KSAS in principle. However, the authors submitting manuscript recognized by KSAS are permissible even if they are not the members.
  2. Paper manuscript after being prepared in compliance with the template provided by the Journal of KSAS shall be registered and submitted through the web site of KSAS (On-line Paper Review System).
    Transactions Template [Download-korean (.hwp)] / [Download-english (.docx)]
  3. Date of receipt for any paper shall be the time point when registration procedure is completed by the author. However, it should be noted that when the manuscript sent back to the author for correction and supplement does not return to KSAS within 3 months from the date of delivery to the authors, the initial submission date shall be nullified.
  4. The editorial board determines whether manuscripts are acceptable. All submitted manuscripts shall be peer-reviewed who are specialists in the field of aerospace science and technology and for details of review, it shall refer to “Peer Review Procedures”.
  5. The authors shall be fully accountable for all of descriptive contents of paper, and the authors should fill the copyright transfer agreement for the paper and forward it to KSAS.
    Copyright Transfer Agreement [Download-korean (.hwp)] / [Download-english (.docx)]
  6. The contents of the paper to be published in the Journal of KSAS are recommended to fit within 8 pages.
  7. The author should pay the publishing fee as specified for the paper being published in the Journal of KSAS. In addition, for any paper manuscript exceeding the regulated pages or of the research performed with assistance funding, the author should pay the publishing fee for the exceeded pages in addition to the publishing fee as specified. The publishing fee includes the review process costs.

    Research with no assistance Research with assistance
    1 page ∼ 8 pages: 180,000 Won/Basic Fee
    9 pages ∼12 pages: 30,000 Won/per page
    Over 13 pages: 40,000 Won/ per page
    1 page ∼ 8 pages: 230,000 Won/ Basic Fee
    Same as left column
    Same as left column

  8. Submitted manuscripts should not be previously published in other journals.
  9. The paper should have contributing aspects in terms of aerospace science and technology and should be original and reliable.
  10. The paper(s) should be arranged in the following order in principle. Title (Korean and English) and author names (Korean and English), abstract (Korean and English), key words, introduction (for paper, such as objective, background), main text (Theoretical interpretation, Methods, Results, Interpretation of Results and Discussion), conclusion, references, appendices and others.
  11. Research and Publication ethics: Research published in J. of the Korean Society of Aeronautical and Space Science must have followed institutional, national, and international guidelines. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors (https://publicationethics.org/resources/resources-and-further-reading/international-standards-editors-and-authors) can be applied. Moreover, the very person who did a misconduct is prohibited to submit a paper to and publish a paper in all publications issued by KSAS (the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences) for three years.
  12. The Publication Type is the original article.
  13. For manuscript submission and inquiries, please contact the manuscript editor of the Journal of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
    - Address and Contact: 22, Teheranro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
    - Telephone: (02)552-4795

Tips to Authors for Manuscript Preparation

  1. Paper manuscript should be submitted to KSAS by on-line as written in accordance with the manuscript template for Journal of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (KSAS).
  2. Paper manuscript should be prepared by using Hangul Word Processor. If there is any possibility for confusion of implication in the course of manuscript preparation, the original word can be written in parallel in “( )” and the use of technical terms shall be in compliance with the Dictionary of Aeronautical and Space Sciences (Edited by KSAS).
  3. The title of paper should be short, straightforward both in Korean and English.
  4. Abstract and Key Words should be inserted before the main text of paper, and the abstract must not exceed 250 words both in Korean and English respectively. The abstract should not include any figures, tables and references.
  5. Tables and figures (including photos) are recommended to put on top or bottom of the page where they were quoted and described in the text, and the titles as well as descriptions should be written in English as principle. Tables and figures (including photos) should be described in the text according to the order of number. Tables and figures (including thickness of line, size of letter and symbol) should be the original copies in good conditions so that they can be presented clearly for directly printing even if scanning downscale.
  6. Arabian numbers should be used for numbers and SI unit should be used for unit of the quantities as possible.
  7. For the composition of references, periodicals shall be indicated in the order of author, title, journal name, volume number, published year and page while a book shall be indicated in the order of author, book title, volume, name of publisher, publishing company, location, published year and page, and the whole details should be written at the end of the text in the order of references used in the text.
    1) Walker, R. E., Stone, A. R., and Shandor, M., “Secondary Gas Injection in a Conicial Rocket Nozzle,” AIAA Journal,Vol.1,No.2,1963,pp.334~338.
    2) Turner, M. J., Matrix methods of Structural Analysis, 1st Ed., Vol. 1 Macmillan, New York, 1964, pp.203~206.
  8. Acceptance of application for paper review shall be completed only when the author himself/herself accesses to the on-line paper review system and fills all items of the on-line paper review application form including contact.
  9. In case of co-authors, the corresponding author should be indicated and the corresponding author shall be responsible for overall matters of applying paper such as supplement and correction of manuscript and payment of publishing fee.
  10. In the foot note, the affiliations and titles for all authors should be indicated in English.
  11. Details of others and manuscript preparation shall refer to “Guidelines to Authors for Journal of The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences”.