Correction Study to Compensate Vibration Vulnerability of Background Oriented Schlieren Flow Visualization Technique |
Unguided Rocket Initial Trajectory Characteristics under Main Rotor Downwash and Development of the Virtual Airspeed And Direction Sensor |
Missile Tracking Control Using Cascaded Incremental Approximate Dynamic Programming and Generalized Extended State Observer |
A Study on the Online Path Planning Technique based on the Multiresolution Approximation MDP |
A Study on Comparison of the Terrain Following Trajectory Generation Algorithm using Radar Scan Data |
Combustion and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Single Injector Thrust Chamber with Different Gaseous Methane/Oxygen Coaxial Injector Geometries |
Improved Turboelectric System Modeling for Conceptual Design of Vertical Take Off and Landing Aircraft |
Analysis of Relative Motion after Inter-Satellite Separation for SNUGLITE-III Autonomous Formation Flying Mission |
Development and Application of the Lift-Tilt type eVTOL Sizing Tool, evtolAD |
Research on the Improvement of National Authorization System and Continuing Supervision Framework for Space Activities |
| Editor-in-Chief | Jon Ahn (Sejong University) | Executive Editor | Hyoun Jin Kim (Seoul National University) Hak Tae Lee (Inha University) |
- Journal launch year 1973
- Frequency Monthly
- ISSN 1225-1348 (print)
2287-6871 (online) - Indexed in SCOPUS, KCI, ESCI
- Supported by This journal was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies(KOFST) Grant funded by the Korean Government.
This journal is a monthly publication of the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences(KSAS). This multi-disciplinary journal aims to enhance and foster the sciences and technologies on aeronautical and space through the publication of original research papers and review articles disclosing new advancements in theoretical, computational and experimental research. Topics of interest include all aspects of aerospace science and technology, which include acoustics, aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, structural dynamics and aeroelasticity, structures and materials, flight dynamics, guidance and control, flight simulation and operations, combustion and propulsion, thermomechanics and reacting flows, airworthiness and maintenance, avionics, aerospace telecommunications, space exploration, research instrumentation and facilities, aerospace policy and certification. The journal also addresses the ground and flight tests of aerospace systems including aircraft, air ship, helicopter, MEMS, missile, satellite, rocket, and UAV. Papers are selected for publication through a peer review process, and submitted articles are judged on the basis of technical originality, quality of exposition and significance of the results by the editors.